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Signs you've got a good superior.

Signs you've got a good superior.
Signs you've got a good superior.

I have put together a quick list of all superiors I have worked with in my years of work. A couple were good but others were just overbearing and above all, unbearable. These days, the latter are very much in the majority. A study conducted revealed that close to 80% of employees are tensed out at one point or the other in their working life, since their superiors are just bad and unreasonable. 

Then, at some moments of my career, I had the opportunity to lead or manage a group of persons which exposed me to what actually makes a good superior. Having to successfully lead or manage a group of persons with different mindsets and orientations never came easy, yet we prevailed. Below, I put together 10 significant signs which preps your mind that, you got a good superior. They are as follows:

1. Your superior encourages you

This can take the form of reassurance and encouragement to do more. They both move hand-in-hand and the outcomes or results from employees can be remarkable. Once you are encouraged that you are doing the right thing, then you can succeed at anything. Superiors who encourage the subordinates and push them in everything they do, end up getting the best out of their staff.

2. Your superior avoids micromanagement

Any superior that chooses to do other than eschewing micromanagement, is likely to get little done and achieve little in the long run. Workers’ responses to micromanagement can span from discouragement to a sense that they will never be given the room and space to operate on their own. A superior who takes part in this feels he knows better and cannot trust the workers whole heartedly.

3. Your superior appreciates your skills

A fantastic superior will soon become acquainted with individual talents and skills. It is a great quality when a superior resort to delegating responsibility when the time comes. They will devote one-on-one moment to discovering what you love most at work, your aspirations, and where you are going. This merges beautifully into skills development and, expectantly, promotion. You have the feeling that you know where you are headed and so does your superior.

4. Your superior can take the blame

At times, an unreasonable superior will do all in their power to direct blame on to an unlucky team leader or member, when the defective decision was definitely his own doing. Now the great superior will take blame and responsively take staff through the analysis of failure and the lessons to be learned. A super superior is a great and unique example for workers to follow and this will stop them from dabbling into the politics of blame game.

5. Your superior is welcoming and sociable

Everyone can recount an experience with a cantankerous and ill-tempered superiors, without mentioning oppressive and cruel ones as well. If your superior is friendly and sociable it really helps you to discuss a challenge you are facing and how to solve it.

6. Your superior can communicate well

You know precisely what you have to work on or do and by when. Your superior has communicated all to you in clear terms and this makes meeting the deadline much easier. Difficulties come up when a bad superior is so poor at communicating anything.

7. Your superior has a limit on regular and laborious meetings

Imagine what really gets on employee’s nerves? Surely, you predicted right, all those unending and often, hopeless meetings. Employees feel that meetings should be used for thinking and delivering progress reports. Meetings should assist, other than hamper output. Efficient superiors know that and put that into practice.

8. Your superior focuses on small wins

Workers are highly motivated when their superior takes note of the small wins or infant steps headed for the big goal. A great superior will make sure that employees are appreciated, be it in an email or a phone call. It delivers results every time and motivation goes up.

9. Your superior is a good listener

Many superiors commit the blunder of speaking far too much and hindering workforce opinions or views. Workers sit still and become apathetic. A prodigious superior will protect her stance when she is aware she is right but will also provide a listen ear when she thinks, she may be wrong.

10. Your superior does not claim absolute knowledge

Not presuming you know everything or have absolute knowledge is an excellent attribute since it is what James Meacham, a psychologist, defines as the “approach of wisdom.” These superiors are aware that there is a fine balance between knowing and doubting. This is mirrored in the employees who feel that they will be consulted and encouraged to provide inventive ideas, when suitable.

Your comments and views are welcome in the comment section below. And for further consultation or questions, please email to hrforumonline@gmail.com.


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